
{in season} Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Halloween is almost here!  Time to carve the pumpkins ... and roast pumpkin seeds!  I've never roasted pumpkin seeds but supposedly, it's easy to do and the nutritional benefits are awesome.  I found this basic recipe with many variations and great suggestions adapted from the Whole Foods 'Whole Story' blog.  What do you think?  Join  me for some roasted pumpkin seeds?  Which variation appeals to you?  Scroll down to see my favorite variation!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Boil seeds for 10 minutes.
Drain and pat seeds dry.
Mix seeds in a bowl with a little oil and dash of salt.
Transfer seeds to a baking sheet and spread out to a single layer
Bake at 325 degrees for 20-30 minutes

Roast with seasonings such as chili powder, cayenne, cumin, and coriander.

Roast with dried herbs such as thyme, oregano, parsley and rosemary.

Roast with sweet spices, too: Cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves and allspice.

Roast and garnish grain dishes, breakfast cereals and pilafs.

Roast and garnish roasted root vegetables, steamed vegetables or sautéed vegetables.

Roast and garnish soups such as corn, pumpkin, butternut squash or vegetable.

Roast and garnish for beef or vegetable stew.

Roast and garnish enchiladas, tacos, chalupas, tamales and migas.

Add them to muffins, pancakes, cookies, granola and other baked goods.

Grind them up and add them to specialty sauces such as Mole.

Roast and garnish salads, slaw and even Caesar salad!

Add roasted pumpkin seeds to trail mix.

Throw a small handful into a smoothie with fruit or yogurt.

Roast and garnish ice cream, yogurt, fresh fruit salads or non-dairy desserts.

Incredibly yummy as a garnish on dark chocolate cake!

Cook whole grain pasta; toss with olive oil, garlic, Reggiano Parmesan and roasted pumpkin seeds.

Add to pesto sauce in place of or along with pine nuts.

[I think this variation sounds the best! Enjoy!]

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